189 Quotations with Cook.
- 81. Ted Cook: Parents: persons who spend half their time worrying how a child will turn out, a ...

- 82. E. V. Cooke: Perhaps the reward of the spirit who tries is not the goal but the exercise.

- 83. Robert A. Cook: Say and do something positive that will help the situation; it doesn't take any ...

- 84. Mary Lou Cook: Seek not outside yourself, heaven is within.

- 85. Author Unknown: Some consultants are like the bottom half of a double boiler: They get all heate ...

- 86. Bernice Fitz-Gibbon: Teenagers travel in droves, packs, swarms.... To the librarian, they're a gaggle ...

- 87. Alistair Cooke: The best compliment to a child or a friend is the feeling you give him that he h ...

- 88. Hector Hugh Munro: The cook was a good cook, as cooks go; and as cooks go, she went.

- 89. Frederic Raphael: The great networks are there to prove that ideas can be canned like spaghetti. I ...

- 90. Ted Cook: The narrower the mind, the broader the statement.

- 91. Robert A. Cook: The question is not ''How much may I indulge in and still be saved. God forbid! ...

- 92. Eliza Cook: The span of life is waning fast Beware, unthinking youth, beware! Thy soul's ete ...

- 93. Charles Buck: Their kitchen is their shrine, the cook their priest, the table their altar, and ...

- 94. Cookie Lavagetto: There are a lot of fellas with all the ability it takes to play in the major lea ...

- 95. Author Unknown: There is an old saying that you can't kill a frog by dropping him into hot water ...

- 96. Thomas Wolfe: There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in ...

- 97. Eliza Cook: Though language forms the preacher, 'Tis "good works" make the man.

- 98. William Shakespeare: 'Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers.

- 99. Emily Post: To the old saying that man built the house but woman made of it a "home" might b ...

- 100. Alistair Cooke: Washington's birthday is as close to a secular Christmas as any Christian countr ...

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