470 Quotations with Content.
- 341. Sigmund Freud: What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now t ...

- 342. Sarah Ban Breathnach: Whatever we are waiting for -- peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awar ...

- 343. Marcus Annaeus Seneca: When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind ...

- 344. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: When we are tired of loving, we are quite content if our mistress should become ...

- 345. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere ...

- 346. Lao-tzu: When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybo ...

- 347. Nicholas Boileau: Who is content with nothing possesses all things.

- 348. Benjamin Franklin: Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his ...

- 349. Author Unknown: Who lives content with little possesses everything.

- 350. Robert Herrick: Who with a little cannot be content, endures an everlasting punishment.

- 351. Charles L. Allen: Why should you be content with so little? Why shouldn't you reach out for someth ...

- 352. Herman Melville: Why, ever since Adam, who has got to the meaning of this great allegory -- the w ...

- 353. Germaine Greer: Woman cannot be content with health and agility: she must make exorbitant effort ...

- 354. Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Woman's discontent increases in exact proportion to her development.

- 355. Louise Bogan: Women have no wilderness in them. They are provident instead content in the tigh ...

- 356. Edgar A. Guest: You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside. You ...

- 357. Jane Seymour: You have to count on living every single day in a way you believe will make you ...

- 358. Horace: You must often make erasures if you mean to write what is worthy of being read a ...

- 359. Horace: You traverse the world in search of happiness, which is within the reach of ever ...

- 360. Ralph Waldo Emerson: The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and conte ...

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