520 Quotations with Conscious.
- 21. William Hazlitt: The definition of genius is that it acts unconsciously; and those who have produ ...

- 22. Charles Horton Cooley: It is partly to avoid consciousness of greed that we prefer to associate with th ...

- 23. W. R. Inge: Consciousness is a phase of mental life which arises in connection with the form ...

- 24. Barbara Paley: In all things preserve integrity; and the consciousness of thine own uprightness ...

- 25. D. H. Lawrence: The mind can assert anything and pretend it has proved it. My beliefs I test on ...

- 26. Carl Jung: In studying the history of the human mind one is impressed again and again by th ...

- 27. Edward Bulwer-Lytton: Every man who observes vigilantly, and resolves steadfastly, grows unconsciously ...

- 28. Francis Jeffrey: There is nothing respecting which a man may be so long unconscious as of the ext ...

- 29. Pete Johnson: STRATEGY is; A style of thinking, a conscious and deliberate process, an intensi ...

- 30. Sidney Madwed: The birthplace of success for each person is in his Inner-Consciousness. The Inn ...

- 31. Nathaniel Brandon: Reason and emotion are not antagonists. What seems like a struggle is a struggle ...

- 32. Robert: This duality has been reflected in classical as well as modern literature as rea ...

- 33. L. S. Barksdale: "It happens to each according to his consciousness," is the Law of Consciousness ...

- 34. William James: The whole drift of my education goes to persuade me that the world of our presen ...

- 35. Vauvenargues: Consciousness of our powers augments them.

- 36. Dorothea Brande: The most enviable writers are those who, quite often unanalytically and unconsci ...

- 37. Ambrose Bierce: ACEPHALOUS, adj. In the surprising condition of the Crusader who absently pulled ...

- 38. Ambrose Bierce: FEMALE, n. One of the opposing, or unfair, sex.

- 39. Ambrose Bierce: LOGOMACHY, n. A war in which the weapons are words and the wounds punctures in t ...

- 40. Ambrose Bierce: RESPOND, v.i. To make answer, or disclose otherwise a consciousness of having in ...

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