Famous Quotes
720 Quotations with Church.
- 681. Lloyd Jones: The greatest tragedy in the world is a divided church. We must come together. So ...
- 682. Lloyd Jones: Prayer, Jones writes, is the best test of an individual, and it is also the best ...
- 683. Martin Niemöller: When Hitler attacked the Jews … I was not a Jew, therefore, I was not concerned. ...
- 684. William Shakespeare: If to do good were easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been church ...
- 685. Winston Churchill: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
- 686. Winston Churchill: We shall neither fail nor falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tool ...
- 687. Winston Churchill: Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or s ...
- 688. Winston Churchill: If this is a blessing, it is certainly very well disguised.
- 689. Winston Churchill: I am not sure I should have dared to start; but I am sure that I should not have ...
- 690. Winston Churchill: The only guide to man is his conscience; the only shield to his memory is the re ...
- 691. Winston Churchill: I was never tired of listening to his wisdom or imparting my own.
- 692. Winston Churchill: It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look farther than you can see.
- 693. Winston Churchill: Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
- 694. Winston Churchill: Courage is the first of the human qualities because it is the quality which guar ...
- 695. Winston Churchill: Without courage, all others virtues lose their meaning.
- 696. Winston Churchill: Success is never found. Failure is never fatal. Courage is the only thing.
- 697. Winston Churchill: Continuous effort--not strength or intelligence--is the key to unlocking our pot ...
- 698. Winston Churchill: The maxim "Nothing but perfection" may be spelled "Paralysis."
- 699. Winston Churchill: I do not resent criticism, even when, for the sake of emphasis, it parts for the ...
- 700. Winston Churchill: I never worry about action, but only about inaction.