91 Quotations with Christianity.
- 21. James Baldwin: Christianity has operated with an unmitigated arrogance and cruelty - necessaril ...

- 22. Wendell Phillips: Christianity is a battle not a dream.

- 23. William Blake: Christianity is art and not money. Money is its curse.

- 24. Benjamin Disraeli: Christianity is completed Judaism or it is nothing.

- 25. Richard Halverson: Christianity is either relevant all the time or useless anytime. It is not just ...

- 26. Matthew Hale: Christianity is part of the Common Law of England.

- 27. Samuel Johnson: Christianity is the highest perfection of humanity.

- 28. Novalis: Christianity is the root of all democracy, the highest fact in the rights of men ...

- 29. Friedrich Nietzsche: Christianity makes suffering contagious.

- 30. Francis Schaeffer: Christianity provides a unified answer for the whole of life.

- 31. A. W. Tozer: Christianity takes for granted the absence of any self-help and offers a power w ...

- 32. Author Unknown: Christianity, above all, has given a clear-cut answer to the demands of the huma ...

- 33. Count Leo Tolstoy: Christianity, with its doctrine of humility, of forgiveness, of love, is incompa ...

- 34. Thomas De Quincey: Flowers that are so pathetic in their beauty, frail as the clouds, and in their ...

- 35. Hector Hugh Munro: He spends his life explaining from his pulpit that the glory of Christianity con ...

- 36. Norman Douglas: He talks about the Scylla of Atheism and the Charybdis of Christianity -- a stat ...

- 37. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: He who begins by loving Christianity better than truth, will proceed by loving h ...

- 38. Percy Bysshe Shelley: Here I swear, and as I break my oath may eternity blast me, here I swear that ne ...

- 39. Olympia Brown: How natural that the errors of the ancient should be handed down and, mixing wit ...

- 40. Alexander Zhuravlyov: I am a communist because I believe that the Communist idea is a state form of Ch ...

Christianity Quotes by Power Quotations