1233 Quotations with Certain.
- 801. Charles Horton Cooley: When one has come to accept a certain course as duty he has a pleasant sense of ...

- 802. Gerard de Nerval: When the soul drifts uncertainly between life and the dream, between the mind's ...

- 803. T. S. Eliot: When we read of human beings behaving in certain ways, with the approval of the ...

- 804. Zoe Fairbairns: When we say a woman is of a certain social class, we really mean her husband or ...

- 805. Author Unknown: Where the law is uncertain there is no law.

- 806. Desiderius Erasmus: Whether a party can have much success without a woman present I must ask others ...

- 807. Golda Meir: Whether women are better than men I cannot say, but I can say they are certainly ...

- 808. Gilbert K. Chesterton: With any recovery from morbidity there must go a certain healthy humiliation.

- 809. Winston Churchill: Without a measureless and perpetual uncertainty, the drama of human life would b ...

- 810. J. Paul Getty: Without the element of uncertainty, the bringing off of even, the greatest busin ...

- 811. Thomas Carlyle: Wonderful "Force of Public Opinion!" We must act and walk in all points as it pr ...

- 812. Rene Daumal: Words are made for a certain exactness of thought, as tears are for a certain de ...

- 813. Francoise Sagan: Writing is a question of finding a certain rhythm. I compare it to the rhythms o ...

- 814. June Havoc: You are all you will ever have for certain.

- 815. Author Unknown: You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful sp ...

- 816. Confucius: You can successfully force people to follow a certain course, but you cannot for ...

- 817. Joseph H. Choate: You cannot live without lawyers, and certainly you cannot die without them.

- 818. Olga Rosmanith: You do build in darkness if you have faith. When the light returns, you have mad ...

- 819. Veronica Shoffstal: You learn to build your roads on today, because tomorrow's ground is too uncerta ...

- 820. Jean Baudrillard: You need an infinite stretch of time ahead of you to start to think, infinite en ...

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