23 Quotations with Awesome.
- 1. David Armistead: Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people ...

- 2. Charles Mingus: Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awe ...

- 3. Cynthia Ozick: Nothing is so awesomely unfamiliar as the familiar that discloses itself at the ...

- 4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: There was something awesome in the thought of the solitary mortal standing by th ...

- 5. Simon Hoggart: America loves the representation of its heroes to be not just larger than life, ...

- 6. Susan Sontag: American "energy" is the energy of violence, of free-floating resentment and anx ...

- 7. Anthony Robbins: Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the ...

- 8. Marion Jones: Greatness is defined by someone who is not simply awesome and wonderful in the s ...

- 9. John Berger: Sometimes, because of its immediacy, television produces a kind of electronic pa ...

- 10. Henry Miller: The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it beco ...

- 11. Barbara Grizzuti Harrison: True revolutionaries are like God -- they create the world in their own image. O ...

- 12. Hal Borland: A woodland in full color is awesome as a forest fire, in magnitude at least, but ...

- 13. Leonard Bailey: More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation... and we can't wast ...

- 14. Kenny Chesney: It's awesome to me the number of people who don't really know who you are, but w ...

- 15. Walter Cronkite: When Moses was alive, these pyramids were a thousand years old Here began the hi ...

- 16. Herbie Hancock: Recently I've been listening to Mahler; it's beautiful stuff. I just saw a perfo ...

- 17. Linda Lingle: Before a community can prosper, the people must believe in their leaders. They m ...

- 18. Ruth W. Lubic: Parenting is an awesome task. It is my job as a professional to be sure that mot ...

- 19. William Manchester: An Edwardian lady in full dress was a wonder to behold, and her preparations for ...

- 20. Angela Ruggiero: That's the awesome part. Little girls now have a chance to look up and see women ...

Awesome Quotes by Power Quotations