600 Quotations with Almost.
- 161. Ralph Nader: For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow ...

- 162. George Santayana: Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with the part of ano ...

- 163. Dorothy Riera: Friendship is a very simple word, very commonly used. The word friend is almost ...

- 164. Benjamin Franklin: Furnished as all Europe now is with Academies of Science, with nice instruments ...

- 165. J. G. Ballard: Given that external reality is a fiction, the writer's role is almost superfluou ...

- 166. Aneurin Bevan: He has the lucidity which is the by-product of a fundamentally sterile mind. He ...

- 167. George Orwell: He is a man of thirty-five, but looks fifty. He is bald, has varicose veins and ...

- 168. Charles Kingsley: He was one of those men who possess almost every gift, except the gift of the po ...

- 169. Friedrich Nietzsche: He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how.

- 170. Friedrich Nietzsche: He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.

- 171. Giacomo Leopardi: He who has the courage to laugh is almost as much the master of the world as he ...

- 172. Marcus Annaeus Seneca: He who repents of having sinned is almost innocent.

- 173. William J. Durant: History is so indifferently rich, that a case for almost any conclusion from it ...

- 174. B.C. Forbes: How we love to blame others for our misfortunes! Almost every individual who has ...

- 175. Paul West: Humanism, it seems, is almost impossible in America where material progress is p ...

- 176. Whitney Houston: I almost wish I could be more exciting, that I could match what is happening out ...

- 177. David Crosby: I am having so much fun performing, I feel almost guilty. I think, my God, I hop ...

- 178. Alexis de Tocqueville: I am obliged to confess that I do not regard the abolition of slavery as a means ...

- 179. John D. Rockefeller: I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any ki ...

- 180. Sting: I exist in a state of almost perpetual hysteria.

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