591 Quotations with Adam.
- 281. Madame Dorothe Deluzy: It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.

- 282. Henry Brooks Adams: It is impossible to underrate human intelligence -- beginning with one's own.

- 283. Abigail Adams: It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that gr ...

- 284. Madame Guizot: It is only after an unknown number of unrecorded labors, after a host of noble h ...

- 285. Mark Twain: Let us be grateful to Adam, our benefactor. He cut us out of the "blessing" of i ...

- 286. John Adams: Liberty can not be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.

- 287. John Adams: Liberty, according to my metaphysics is a self-determining power in an intellect ...

- 288. William Adams Brown: Life is a glass given to us to fill; a busy life is filling it with as much as i ...

- 289. Madame Marie Curie: Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and ...

- 290. Elizabeth Gaskell: Madam your wife and I didn't hit it off the only time I ever saw her. I won't sa ...

- 291. Richard Brinsley Sheridan: Madam, a circulating library in a town is as an evergreen tree of diabolical kno ...

- 292. Sydney Smith: Madam, I have been looking for a person who disliked gravy all my life; let us s ...

- 293. William Ernest Henley: Madam, Life's a piece in bloom death goes dogging everywhere: She's the tenant o ...

- 294. Ernest Hemingway: Madame, all stories, if continued far enough, end in death, and he is no true-st ...

- 295. Ernest Hemingway: Madame, it is an old word and each one takes it new and wears it out himself. It ...

- 296. Adam Smith: Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does this -- one dog does ...

- 297. Adam Smith: Man, an animal that makes bargains.

- 298. Adam Smith: Mankind are animals that make bargains, no other animal does this.

- 299. Madame De Rieux: Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty and women their happiness ...

- 300. Madame De Rieux: Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty and women their happiness ...

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