591 Quotations with Adam.
- 181. Ansel Adams: It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environmen ...

- 182. Madame de Stael: The more I see of men, the better I like dogs.

- 183. Madame de Stael: I am glad that I am not a man, for if I were I should have to marry a woman.

- 184. Douglas Adams: Today must be a Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

- 185. Mike Adams: Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the stud ...

- 186. Scott Adams: There's a fine line between participation and mockery.

- 187. Adam Zimbler: People who never acheive happiness are the ones who complain whenever they're aw ...

- 188. Adam Clarke: I have lived to know that the great secret of happiness is this: never suffer yo ...

- 189. Adam Clarke: We communicate happiness to others not often by great acts of devotion and self- ...

- 190. Adam McCord: Courage is when you take on the impossible or fight an unwinnable fight. That's ...

- 191. Adam McCord: Courage is... when you stare your worst fear or toughest obstacle in the face an ...

- 192. Adam McCord: Courage is when you do what you have to do though people don't think you can. Co ...

- 193. George Matthew Adams: If you have nothing else to do, look about you and see if there isn't something ...

- 194. Harry S. Truman: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were political enemies, but they became fast fri ...

- 195. Henry Brooks Adams: Every man should have a fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his f ...

- 196. James Joyce: riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by ...

- 197. James Truslow Adams: Perhaps it would be a good idea, fantastic as it sounds, to muffle every telepho ...

- 198. Joey Adams: Never let a FOOL KISS YOU or a KISS FOOL YOU..

- 199. John Adams: Grief drives men to serious reflection, sharpens the understanding and softens t ...

- 200. John Quincy Adams: The influence of each human being on others in this life is a kind of immortalit ...

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