Famous Quotes
392 Quotations with Actually.
- 121. Bernard M. Baruch: Only as you do know yourself can your brain serve you as a sharp and efficient t ...
- 122. Marianne Williamson: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are ...
- 123. Marianne Williamson: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are ...
- 124. Albert Pike: Our dreams are as real, while they last, as the occurrences of the daytime. We s ...
- 125. Neal A. Maxwell: Patience permits us to cling to our faith in the Lord when we are tossed about b ...
- 126. Joseph Campbell: People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I think that what ...
- 127. Andy Warhol: People sometimes say that the way things happen in the movies is unreal, but act ...
- 128. Princess Diana: People think that at the end of the day a man is the only answer. Actually, a fu ...
- 129. Princess Diana: People think that at the end of the day a man is the only answer. Actually, a fu ...
- 130. Candice Bergen: People who don't have it think beauty is a blessing, but actually it sets you ap ...
- 131. Dr. James Walsh: People who laugh actually live longer than those who don't laugh. Few persons re ...
- 132. Dr. James Walsh: People who laugh actually live longer than those who don't laugh. Few persons re ...
- 133. Princess Diana: Perhaps we're too embarrassed to change or too frightened of the consequences of ...
- 134. James Thurber: Philosophy offers the rather cold consolation that perhaps we and our planet do ...
- 135. Delia Ephron: Preparing for the worst is an activity I have taken up since I turned thirty-fiv ...
- 136. Delia Ephron: Preparing for the worst is an activity I have taken up since I turned thirty-fiv ...
- 137. Aldous Huxley: Propaganda is always rather nauseating. But before we condemn political hypocris ...
- 138. Robert J. Ringer: Reality isn't the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, but ...
- 139. Friedrich Nietzsche: Reckoned physiologically, everything ugly weakens and afflicts man. It recalls d ...
- 140. Paul Cezanne: Right now a moment is fleeting by! Capture its reality in paint! To do that we m ...