166 Quotations by Will Rogers
- 141. There should be one day when there is open season on senators.

- 142. There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.

- 143. There's only one thing that can kill the movies, and that's education.

- 144. Things in our country run in spite of our government. Not by aid of it.

- 145. Things will get better -- despite our efforts to improve them.

- 146. This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a h ...

- 147. This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. That we have carried ...

- 148. This thing of being a hero, about the main thing to it is to know when to die.

- 149. Try to live your life so that you wouldn't be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.

- 150. We are all here for a spell, get all the good laughs you can.

- 151. We are all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can.

- 152. We are the first nation in the history of the world to go to the poorhouse in an automobile.

- 153. We can't all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.

- 154. We don't know what we want, but we are ready to bite somebody to get it.

- 155. Well, all I know is what I read in the papers.

- 156. When should a college athlete turn pro? Not until he has earned all he can in college as an amateur.

- 157. When the Oakies left Oklahoma and moved to California, it raised the I.Q. of both states

- 158. When you put down the good things you ought to have done, and leave out the bad ones you did do -- w ...

- 159. Where I come from, they won't let me play with this rope. They think I might hurt myself

- 160. Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is.

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