166 Quotations by Will Rogers
- 81. My own mother died when I was 10 years old. My folks have told me that what little humor I have come ...

- 82. Never let yesterday use up too much of today

- 83. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

- 84. No party is as bad as its leaders.

- 85. Noah must have taken into the Ark two taxes, one male and one female. And did they multiply bountifu ...

- 86. Nothing you can't spell will ever work.

- 87. Ohio claims they are due a president as they haven't had one since Taft. Look at the United States, ...

- 88. On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has ...

- 89. One ad is worth more to a paper than forty editorials.

- 90. One revolution is like one cocktail, it just gets you organized for the next.

- 91. Our Constitution protects aliens, drunks, and U.S. senators.

- 92. Our public men are speaking every day on something, but they ain't saying anything.

- 93. Pain is such an uncomfortable feeling that even a tiny amount of it is enough to ruin every enjoymen ...

- 94. People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their ...

- 95. Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated.

- 96. Politics is applesauce.

- 97. Politics is not worrying this country one-tenth as much as where to find a parking space.

- 98. Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth.

- 99. See what will happen if you don't stop biting your fingernails?

- 100. So get a few laughs and do the best you can.

Will Rogers Quotes by Power Quotations