Famous Quotes / Qur'an
Qur'an: "Have We not made the earth as a cradle and the mountains as pegs? And We created you in pairs, and We appointed your sleep for a rest; and We appointed night for a garment, and We appointed day for a livelihood. And We have built above you seven strong ones, and We appointed a blazing lamp and have sent down out of the rain-clouds water cascading that We may bring forth thereby grain and plants, and gardens luxuriant."
Above | Appointed | Blazing | Bring |
Built | Cascading | Cradle | Created |
Down | Earth | Forth | Gardens |
Garment | Grain | Lamp | Livelihood |
Luxuriant | Made | Mountains | Night |
Ones | Pairs | Pegs | Plants |
Rainclouds | Rest | Sent | Seven |
Sleep | Strong | Thereby | Water |
Your |