Famous Quotes / James Long

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James Long: "Faith is something we grow into; doubt is something we grow out of. Gradually. And the movement is not always forward -- out of doubt into faith. It is a line that wavers. As the picture a partially filled cup, we sometimes speculate: is the cup half full, or half empty? If we see faith as the contents of the cup, is it half full of faith, or half full of doubt? And if we look at the cup -- our experience -- and see one-half doubt, is doubt all we see? As God looks at the half-full, half-empty cup, what does He see? The doubt? Or the faith? Or, if faith is nearly a tiny seed -- say, a mustard seed -- can God see it? Is He moved by it? Or is He too busy gazing at the ample doubt that may surround that speck of faith? We know the answer: God sees such faith. And is moved."

James Long's Quotations

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