150 Quotations by Blaise Pascal
- 121. Things are always at their best in the beginning.

- 122. Those are weaklings who know the truth and uphold it as long as it suits their purpose, and then aba ...

- 123. Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous ...

- 124. To find recreation in amusement is not happiness.

- 125. To go beyond the bounds of moderation is to outrage humanity.

- 126. To have no time for philosophy is to be a true philosopher.

- 127. Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established that unless one loves the truth, he ...

- 128. Two things control men's nature; instinct and experience.

- 129. Ugly deeds are most estimable when hidden.

- 130. Unable to make what is just strong, we have made what is strong just.

- 131. Vanity of science. Knowledge of physical science will not console me for ignorance of morality in ti ...

- 132. We are always preparing to be spy, it is inevitable that we should ever be so.

- 133. We are generally the better persuaded by the reasons we discover ourselves than by those given to us ...

- 134. We are only falsehood, duplicity, contradiction; we both conceal and disguise ourselves from ourselv ...

- 135. We conceal it from ourselves in vain - we must always love something. In those matters seemingly rem ...

- 136. We do not content ourselves with the life we have in ourselves; we desire to live an imaginary life ...

- 137. We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart

- 138. We like security: we like the pope to be infallible in matters of faith, and grave doctors to be so ...

- 139. We like to be deceived.

- 140. We must learn our limits. We are all something, but none of us are everything

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