50 Quotations by Bhagavad Gita
- 21. Just as a fire is covered by smoke and a mirror is obscured by dust, just as the embryo rests deep w ...
- 22. Little by little, through patience and repeated effort, the mind will become stilled in the Self.
- 23. Living creatures are nourished by food, and food is nourished by rain; rain itself is the water of l ...
- 24. Neither in this world nor elsewhere is there any happiness in store for him who always doubts.
- 25. O Krishna, the stillness of divine union which you describe is beyond my comprehension. How can the ...
- 26. Offer unto me that which is very dear to thee -- which thou holdest most covetable. Infinite are the ...
- 27. On action alone be thy interest,
- 28. On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure. Even a little effort toward spirit ...
- 29. Out of compassion I destroy the darkness of their ignorance. From within them I light the lamp of wi ...
- 30. Sages speak of the immutable Tree of Life, with its tape root above and its branches below.
- 31. Still your mind in me, still yourself in me, and without a doubt you shall be united with me, Lord o ...
- 32. Still your mind in me, still yourself in me, and without a doubt you shall be united with me, Lord o ...
- 33. That one I love who is incapable of ill will, and returns love for hatred. Living beyond the reach o ...
- 34. The body is mortal, but the person dwelling in the body is immortal and immeasurable.
- 35. The disunited mind is far from wise; how can it meditate? How be at peace? When you know no peace, h ...
- 36. The live in wisdom who see themselves in all and all in them, who have renounced every selfish desir ...
- 37. The non permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are l ...
- 38. The sage awakes to light in the night of all creatures. That which the world calls day is the night ...
- 39. The senses have been conditioned by attraction to the pleasant and aversion to the unpleasant: a man ...
- 40. There has never been a time when you and I have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will c ...
Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Power Quotations