828 Traditional Proverbs / Page 69
- 681. The secret of patience is doing something else in the meantime.
 - 682. The shallower the brook, the more it babbles.
 - 683. The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot.
 - 684. The silent dog is the first to bite.
 - 685. The soul is not where it lives, but where it loves.
 - 686. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.
 - 687. The streets of London are paved with gold.
 - 688. The style is the man.
 - 689. The superior doctor prevents sickness;/ The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness;/ The inferior doctor treats actual sickness.
 - 690. The tallest tree is rooted in the ground.

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