1393 Scottish Proverbs / Page 123
- 1221. Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion.
 - 1222. Two hungry meals make the third a glutton.
 - 1223. Unfit are some who complain of common food.
 - 1224. Unskilfull mediciners and horse-marshels slayes both man and beast.
 - 1225. Want of wit is waur than want of health.
 - 1226. Want siller, want fish.
 - 1227. War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.
 - 1228. Waves will rise on silent water.
 - 1229. We are aye to learn as lang as we live.
 - 1230. We are bound to be honest, and no to be rich.

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