1393 Scottish Proverbs / Page 103
- 1021. Slaw at meat slaw at wark.
 - 1022. Slighted love is sair to bide.
 - 1023. Slippery is the flagstone at the mansion-house door.
 - 1024. Sma' fish are better than nae fish.
 - 1025. Smooth waters run deep.
 - 1026. Snailie, snailie, shoot out yer horn, and tell us if it'll be a bonny day the morn.
 - 1027. Snapper, to stumble. Even the best of men may err.
 - 1028. Soft fire makes sweet malt.
 - 1029. Some cannot do two things at once.
 - 1030. Some cut lang whangs aff ither folk's leather.

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