451 Nigerian Proverbs / Page 20
- 191. If the owner of a calabash calls it a worthless calabash, others will join him to use it to pack rubbish.
 - 192. If the owner of the goat is not afraid to travel by night, the owner of a hyena certainly will not be.
 - 193. If the owner of two adjacent farms cannot be friends, then they must wait till their next reincarnation to be able to make friends.
 - 194. If the stomachache were in the foot, one would go lame.
 - 195. If there is character, ugliness becomes beauty; if there is none, beauty becomes ugliness.
 - 196. If you can't dance well, you'd better not get up.
 - 197. If you don't wish to have rags for clothes, don't play with a dog.
 - 198. If you fail to take away a strong man's sword when he is on the ground, will you do it when he gets up?
 - 199. If you find "Miss This Year" beautiful, then you'll find "Miss Next Year" even more so.
 - 200. If you have one finger pointing at somebody, you have three pointing towards yourself.

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