118 Icelandic Proverbs / Page 9
- 81. On the ladder to success there is always somebody on the rung above you and who uses your head to steady himself.
 - 82. On thin ice everybody have the same strength.
 - 83. One droops before one dies.
 - 84. One enemy is too many; 100 friends are far too few.
 - 85. One half our fatherlands is the ocean.
 - 86. Our good life sure is there for us, unless we learned some bad conduct in our home as children.
 - 87. People come where people are.
 - 88. Pissing in your shoes won't keep your feet warm for long.
 - 89. She who dances with the chimney sweeper will eventually end up black.
 - 90. Sin is not perfect until one prides oneself on it.

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