344 Corsican Proverbs / Page 8
- 71. Do no evil, it's a sin. Do no good, it's no use.
- 72. Dogs bark and cows chew grass.
- 73. Doing that which has been done to us is not a sin.
- 74. Don't call a man who has a field in Valgonu "poor".
- 75. Don't judge your life before it has ended.
- 76. Don't let children or pups get accustomed to your soup bowl.
- 77. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
- 78. Don't poop in a field and don't talk in a forest.
- 79. Don't scoff at my mourning - mine is old and yours is recent.
- 80. Don't start braiding your rope on a Monday or a Friday.
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