1852 Chinese Proverbs / Page 164
- 1631. True words may not be pleasant, pleasant words may not be true.
 - 1632. Turn iron (or stone) into gold by the touch.
 - 1633. Two barrels of tears will not heal a bruise.
 - 1634. Two good talkers are not worth one good listener.
 - 1635. Two leaps per chasm is fatal.
 - 1636. Two tigers cannot share one mountain (forest).
 - 1637. Unjustly obtained wealth is as snow sprinkled with hot water.
 - 1638. Unles we change direction, we are likely to wind up where we are headed.
 - 1639. Unless there is opposing wind, a kite cannot rise.
 - 1640. Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.

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