1852 Chinese Proverbs / Page 118
- 1171. People fool themselves. They pray for a long life but fear old age.
 - 1172. People live like birds in the woods: When the time comes, each must take flight.
 - 1173. Perseverance can reduce an iron rod to a sewing needle.
 - 1174. Phoenix feather and unicorn horns.
 - 1175. Pick up a sesame seed only to lose a watermelon.
 - 1176. Pick your inn before the dark; get on your road before the dawn.
 - 1177. Plan your year in the spring, your day at dawn.
 - 1178. Plant the crab-tree where you will it will never bear pippins.
 - 1179. Pleasure for one hour, a bottle of wine. Pleasure for one year a marriage; but pleasure for a lifetime, a garden.
 - 1180. Pleasures are shallow, sorrows deep.

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