71 Burmese Proverbs / Page 4
- 31. If you truly want honesty, don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to.
 - 32. If you trust before you try, You will repent before you die.
 - 33. It's dress in a man, bindings in baskets' edge.
 - 34. It's like catching 2 eels at a time.
 - 35. Mango among fruits, pork among meats, tea among leaves.
 - 36. Many people count other people's faults and ignore their own.
 - 37. No child was ever born without having been conceived.
 - 38. No matter how much care is taken, someone will always be misled.
 - 39. Old cows like young grass.
 - 40. One can't die if he's brave. Even when he die his name lasts forever.

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