1614 American Proverbs / Page 153
- 1521. When your neighbour's house is on fire, beware of your own.
 - 1522. Where law ends, tyranny begins.
 - 1523. Where the carcass is, there the ravens will collect together.
 - 1524. Where the carrion is, there the eagles gather.
 - 1525. Where the woman wears the breeches, she has a good right to them.
 - 1526. Where there's smoke, there's toast.
 - 1527. Who avoids temptation avoids sin.
 - 1528. Who busies himself where no profit is found remains a fool the whole year round.
 - 1529. Who has drunk will drink.
 - 1530. Who is great in faith won't be small in failure.

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