2049 African Proverbs / Page 183
- 1821. When all the water has gone, only the largest stones will remain on the riverbed.
 - 1822. When an abomination has become of age it becomes a tradition.
 - 1823. When an elephant becomes as small as a monkey, it ceases to be an elephant.
 - 1824. When an elephant eats and eats and still cries for more, it is the grass that will get embarrassed.
 - 1825. When an old man dies, a library burns down.
 - 1826. When bad luck chooses you as a companion, even a ripe banana can remove your teeth.
 - 1827. When cats are hairdressers, rats will always go around with uncombed hair.
 - 1828. When deeds speak, words are nothing.
 - 1829. When elephant steps on a trap, no more trap.
 - 1830. When elephants fight, it is the grass who suffers.

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