2049 African Proverbs / Page 176
- 1751. We shall not give the hyena twice.
 - 1752. We start as fools and become wise through experience.
 - 1753. Wearing a mended dress is better than being naked.
 - 1754. Well-timed silence is the most commanding __expression.
 - 1755. What comes from the lips reaches the ears, what comes from the heart reaches the heart.
 - 1756. What grows quickly, dies quickly.
 - 1757. What is in a heart of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunkard.
 - 1758. What is in the stomach carries what is in the head.
 - 1759. What is in the yams that a knife doesn't know.
 - 1760. What is past is gone, what is hoped for is absent, for you is the hour in which you are.

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