2049 African Proverbs / Page 16
- 151. A king who doesn't tolerate comments about his mouth shouldn't eat in public.
 - 152. A kinsman in trouble has to be saved, not blamed.
 - 153. A knife does not recognize its owner.
 - 154. A kola nut is small, but it is more important that it goes round to each person and not that it fills the stomach.
 - 155. A lamb takes after its mother.
 - 156. A lazy chick that exposes itself will be a delicious meal for the eagle.
 - 157. A lazy fly cannot have a taste of a fresh wound.
 - 158. A lazy man plants on a mad bark as an excuse for not planting.
 - 159. A lazy man will remember he has not planted when is neighbour is harvesting.
 - 160. A lazy man's farm is the breeding ground for snakes.

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