Famous Proverbs
734 Proverbs about Word / Page 60
591. A word to the wise is enough.
592. A word written stays forever than hundred spoken work.
593. A wound given by a word is many times harder to cure than that which is given by the sword.
594. An old man may miss his target with a stone but never with his word.
595. An old man's mouth produces a bad smell but the words that come out of it are sweet.
596. Be careful of the words you say each day, make sure each is nice and sweet, because may be in the days ahead, there will be some you'll have to eat.
597. Better to bit your tongue than biting your words.
598. Men die but words live on.
599. Music speaks louder than words.
600. The words of the elders do not lock all the doors, they leave the right door open.