Famous Proverbs
734 Proverbs about Word / Page 36
351. In a good word there are three winters' warmth; in one malicious word there is pain for six frosty months.
352. It is worse to be wounded by words than a sword.
353. He who carries the word "no" with him will never be poor even when he is old.
354. Spread the word of a Psalm and it becomes a popular song.
355. Hold on tight to the words of your ancestors.
356. Words are sweet but they can never replace food.
357. Not all the words that were ever uttered are worth weighing on golden scales.
358. The stomach is not content with nice words.
359. A sword in the hands of a drunken slave is less dangerous than science in the hands of the unscrupulous.
360. An arrow can be pulled out of a wound, but a hurtful word stays forever in your heart.