Famous Proverbs
734 Proverbs about Word / Page 22
211. Words are like eggs: when they are hatched they have wings.
212. Fine words do not produce food.
213. If you fail to take away a strong man's sword when he is on the ground, will you do it when he gets up?
214. A bad wound heals, but a bad word doesn't.
215. Taking the first step with the good thought, the second with the good word, and the third with the good deed, I enter paradise.
216. God grant me a good sword and no use for it.
217. Words must be weighed, not counted.
218. Having given your word, be strong; not having done it, try not to promise.
219. He need not search his pockets for words.
220. A knife wound heals; a wound caused by words does not.