Famous Proverbs
370 Proverbs about Wife / Page 31
301. Don't confide secrets to your wife, don't rent if your house has a pergola, don't have cops as a godfathers.
302. Whoever interferes between husband and wife is a big jackass.
303. The blacksmith's horse and the cobbler's wife are always the last to have shoes.
304. What's all the world to a man when his wife is a widow.
305. A loving wife is often blessed with the birth of a tenth child.
306. A bad wife wishes her husband's heel turned homewards, and not his toe.
307. A son is a son till he gets him a wife, but a daughter's a daughter the rest of your life.
308. The good wife at her husband's home, the other one is at her parent's home.
309. A man with a skinny wife is a deceitful man.
310. If a man looks upon your wife pluck out his eye and cook it in a goodly stew. If he eats the stew his manhood will wither and fall off in the next moon.