Famous Proverbs
370 Proverbs about Wife / Page 17
161. Your wife's eyes are in your purse.
162. A good wife and a wholesome cabbage soup, what more could you want?
163. A man without a wife is like a man in winter without a fur cap.
164. A wife should be as humble as a lamb, busy as a bee, as beautiful as a bird of paradise and faithful as a turtle dove.
165. Don't blame your wife's side if your son is cross-eyed.
166. The wife is twice precious only; when led into the house, and when taken out.
167. There is nothing better than a rich wife and a generous mother-in-law.
168. Why marry, when your neighbor's wife is ready to go to bed with you?
169. Choose your wife with her nightcap on.
170. Never take a wife till you know what to do with her.