Famous Proverbs
158 Proverbs about Wealth / Page 11
101. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
102. If youthful pride were wealth, then every man would have had it in his lifetime.
103. When wealth is lost, nothing is lost. when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. .
104. When a poor man gets something he boasts of his new wealth.
105. A por man with his child a rich man with his wealth.
106. Blessings are better than wealth.
107. Wealth consists not of having great possessions but of having few wants.
108. Ability is the poor man's wealth.
109. God loves him who cares for the poor more than him who respects the wealthy.
110. Don't pride over your wealth or beauty, one will be gone in a night and the other with a fever.