Famous Proverbs
32 Proverbs about Thrive / Page 3
21. A man canna wive and thrive in the same year.
22. All things thrive but thrice.
23. A man cannot thrive except his wife let him.
24. Better late thrive then never.
25. He that marries e're he be wise, will die e're he thrive.
26. It is hard to wive and thrive in a year.
27. Unfolded by the water are faces of the flowers. Flowers thrive where there is water, as thriving people are found where living conditions are good.
28. Nae man can thrive unless his wife let him.
29. If a gude man thrive, a' thrives wi' him.
30. He that marries ere he be wise, will die ere he thrive.