Famous Proverbs
21 Proverbs about Riding / Page 2
11. If you enjoy riding, enjoy pulling the sleigh.
12. If you curse your wife in the evening, you will sleep alone at night. A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind.
13. If you see someone riding a bamboo-cane, tell him "What a lovely horse!"
14. You are like the man that sought his mare, and he riding on her.
15. He tries to find his horse and is riding it.
16. Better a chigging mother, nor a riding father.
17. Life is like riding a bicycle; you don't fall off unless you stop pedalling.
18. When riding on top of an elephant do not assume there is no dew in the thicket.
19. Money's for buying and a horse is for riding.
20. The awkward person always breaks the board in riding on the surf.