Famous Proverbs
149 Proverbs about Rice / Page 5
41. With water make rivers, with rice make armies.
42. A teacher is someone who ploughs with his tongue to fill his little bowl with rice.
43. If you are planning for one year, grow rice. If you are planning for 20 years grow trees. If you are planning for centuries, grow men.
44. If you don't want to be cheated, ask the price at three shops.
45. It's better for people to wait for rice, than rice for people.
46. Talking doesn't get your rice cooked.
47. You can live with tea and cold rice but not with cold words.
48. Laugh at the rice and you will weep for the lentil.
49. Cheat me in the price, but not in the goods.
50. Every man has a price.