Famous Proverbs
178 Proverbs about Remain / Page 14
131. Grow old, body, the heart still remains.
132. No matter how thoroughly a crow may wash, it remains ever black.
133. Do not whirl a snake in the air when you have killed it; the ones which remain in their holes see you.
134. Both the goat has enough to eat and the cabbage remains.
135. Even if the wound is healed, the scar of it remains.
136. Let the shoemaker remain at his last.
137. A secret remains a secret only when one person knows it.
138. A snake can shade its skin but it still remains a snake.
139. Bones and flesh of the martyrs lie buried in earth, but their revolutionary spirit and single-hearted fidelity remain alive.
140. Even if you close your eyes while looking in the mirror the image remains yours.