Famous Proverbs
102 Proverbs about Priest / Page 5
41. Presents make women affable, priests indulgent, and the law crooked.
42. He that wants to keep his house clean must not let priest or pigeon into it.
43. Priests and road signs show you the way but don't go with you.
44. A priest blesses his own bread first.
45. Son of a priest, grandson of the devil.
46. A priest is a man who is called Father by everyone except his own children who are obliged to call him Uncle.
47. The priest's friend loses his faith, the doctor's his health, and the lawyer's his fortune.
48. How good at combing is the bald priest.
49. Get married and you will be happy for a week; slaughter a pig and you will be happy for a month; become a priest and you will be happy for the rest of your life.
50. It is a poor parish where the priest has to ring his own bells.