Famous Proverbs
492 Proverbs about Poor / Page 37
361. If you cannot dance, you will say the drumming is poor.
362. Rather ten thousand lanterns from a wealthy man than one lantern from a poor man.
363. A bad wife is a poor harvest for sixty years.
364. 'what shall i add for the poor?' asked god. 'fingernails and itch,' answered the poor.
365. Lawyer for the rich, scourge of the poor.
366. The night's too short to warrant marrying poor.
367. All the cones drop on poor makar.
368. First you are to think always of god. second you are to use all your powers to care for your people and especially the poor.
369. The congregation is poor, the priest rings the bell himself.
370. Until we are only poorly paid, we shall also poorly work.