Famous Proverbs
38 Proverbs about Plants / Page 3
21. He who plants winds harvests storms.
22. Without a fertilizer, there couldn't be any plants.
23. If a man plants melons he will reap melons; if he sows beans, he will reap beans.
24. The person who plants the lettuce does not always eat the salad.
25. If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles.
26. Eggplants do not grow on melon vines.
27. All plants are our brothers and sisters and they talk to us and if we listen we can hear them.
28. A lazy man plants on a mad bark as an excuse for not planting.
29. Castedduvitranu, Castelvetrano, rich in eggplants and good wine.
30. If you've seeded before a heavy rain, one out of one hundred of your plants will be out of line, but if you wait and seed later, one out of one hundred will take.