Famous Proverbs
509 Proverbs about Person / Page 36
351. One who explains things to an intelligent person need not tire herself out talking.
352. I would rather be deceived by an intelligent person than by a jackass.
353. If you do a person a favor, you'll be his superior; if he does one for you, his inferior; and if neither, you'll be his friend.
354. It's not the sin that maddens a person but the desire to do it.
355. A person is always responsible: if his act was accidental or intentional, whether he was awake or asleep.
356. A person can understand things deeply through proverbs.
357. One person's candle furnishes light for many.
358. A slanderer kills three: himself, his listener, and the person who was slandered.
359. Put another way, satan is a person's wish to do evil.
360. The worst kind of person is one whose power of speech is greater than his power of thought.