Famous Proverbs
509 Proverbs about Person / Page 20
191. It's easier to catch a liar than a limping person.
192. In other persons' eye one can see a mote, in one's own - cannot see a log.
193. Do not teach a learned person.
194. A smart person will not climb a mountain; A smart person will go around it.
195. Even one person in the field is a warrior, if he is a soviet warrior.
196. A Party member is an active person.
197. It's not one person's fault if two people quarrel.
198. It is better to see for oneself than to be informed by a third person.
199. Explaining something to an ignorant person is harder than making a camel jump over a ditch.
200. A full pistol scares one person, an emty one scares forty people.