Famous Proverbs
607 Proverbs about Ones / Page 25
241. When you buy beef, you buy bones; when you buy land, you buy rocks.
242. A dying man discovers the honesty with which he was born.
243. As soon as stones can swim, leaves will sink.
244. God lives in an honest heart.
245. Stupidity begins with honesty.
246. The plagiarist turns the body inside-out and changes the bones.
247. He that does not bring up his son to some honest calling and employment, brings him up to be a thief.
248. Locks keep out only the honest.
249. When the king reigns it is thanks to the people; when a river sings it's thanks to the stones.
250. When you are looking for a country with no tombstones you will find yourself in the land of cannibals.