Famous Proverbs
220 Proverbs about Mean / Page 16
151. Winning an argument does not mean one has convinced one's opponent.
152. When a man repeats a promise again and again, he means to fail you.
153. Is there no mean but fast or feast?
154. A silk dress doesn't mean clean undergarments.
155. Humor is an important asset: it means understanding and self-criticism. where humor is absent, you'll find small-mindedness.
156. Untying one of two ropes tied together means you untie both.
157. Through faith man experiences the meaning of the world; through action he is to give it meaning.
158. Love, should i escape your snares, i doubt that i can be trapped by any other means.
159. To come out of one's house means learning.
160. The first snow does not mean winter, nor the first love marriage.