Famous Proverbs
858 Proverbs about Long / Page 18
171. Be happy while you're living, For you're a long time dead.
172. They that live longest, see most.
173. A peasant will stand on the top of a hill for a very long time with his mouth open before a roast duck will fly in.
174. A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.
175. As long as I was a daughter-in-law I never had a good mother-in-law, and as long as I was a mother-in-law I never had a good daughter-in-law.
176. Between saying and doing there is a long road.
177. From long journeys long lies.
178. He who gives when he is asked has waited too long.
179. He who lives a long life must pass through much evil.
180. He who marries ill, is long in becoming widowed.