Famous Proverbs
139 Proverbs about Leaves / Page 4
31. A visitor comes with ten blessings, eats one, and leaves nine.
32. Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.
33. Though a tree grows so high, the falling leaves return to the root.
34. If a man leaves little children behind him, it is as if he did not die.
35. The pitcher that goes often to the well leaves either its handle or its spout there.
36. The pitcher that goes often to the well leaves either its handle or its spout there.
37. The moon lightens well but leaves certain areas in the dark.
38. If a frog leaves the swamp for the mountains, it means it is in danger.
39. Even without drumbeats, banana leaves dance.
40. make your hay before the fine weather leaves you.
Leaves Quotes by Power Quotations