Famous Proverbs
139 Proverbs about Leaves / Page 13
121. Even the dog leaves the market.
122. No matter how tall a tree might grow it will always shed its leaves on the ground.
123. The gourd that never leaves the boozing centre attains cracks.
124. The hen knows that dawn has arrived but it leaves the duty of crowing to the cock.
125. Truth is like fire it cannot be hidden under dry leaves.
126. When the mother monkey leaves her baby to fall, one must not blame the dried branch.
127. Who leaves the old way for the new, the trouble not looked for, will be found there.
128. A low fog leaves good weather.
129. Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.
130. Even for a tree of 10000 feet, it's leaves return to the root when they fall.